Everybody Writes By Ann Handley
This is a book for those who want to make translations in marketing and be a good translator at that. It simply shows you how to choose the words that will appeal to people and make them understand that you’re in communication with them.
How We Are Translated By Jessica Gaitán Johannesson
This book is not a book that is solely focused on translating the word as correctly as possible. Instead, it focuses on how languages can basically be a bridge or an obstacle between people and cultures. It tries to explain how language works in expressing our emotions like love, anger, or sadness. This is a book that is fundamental to learning how languages basically work between people and understanding the foundation of understanding the language.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss
This book is a fun, interesting and an informational way to learn how to do proper translations with focusing on punctuation, grammar and correct ways to use them. Authors somewhat insulting and humorous way of writing makes reading this book a different experience than most of the books that is published. If you’re new to translation and want to improve yourself while having fun, this book is a must read for you.