The teaching profession is one of the oldest professional groups that have existed since ancient times. It is a profession that can be considered sacred in some societies and times and continues to be considered sacred today. Teachers are the people who raise the people who make up a society, shape the society, and have an important and valuable task that comes immediately after the family in the reform of society.
So, what can we do as a prospective teacher to prepare ourselves to raise a generation? It is useful to summarize the answer to this question in items.
1. Continuous Learning and Development:
– A teacher candidate should constantly read about his/her field for his/her own professional development. In addition, in order to have a disciplinary attitude, they should attend courses and seminars to improve their skills in different fields.
– A teacher candidate should follow new teaching methods, models, and technology in order to stay up to date about his/her field. The teacher should always be able to keep up to date by combining the subject he/she wants to convey to the students with the developing technology.
– A pre-service teacher should know that change and development continue for a lifetime and should never be under the misconception that “this much is enough”.
2. Communication Skills:
– The prospective teacher should look for ways how to communicate effectively with the students and work on it during the internships at the university. Because the prospective teacher should know well that gaining the respect and love of a student depends on communicating with students correctly and entering their hearts.
– Since only interacting with the student will not create a holistic understanding of education, teacher candidates should master the skills of cooperating with parents and providing open communication.
– At the same time, teacher candidates should improve their communication skills for cooperation and information sharing with their colleagues.
3. Empathy and Awareness:
– People who cause the most harm to their environment and the society they live in are generally composed of people who have little or no ability to empathize. In this respect, for prospective teachers to be able to train students with high empathy levels, they should first of all have this feature in themselves. If they do not have it or think that they have little empathy, they should embark on an inner journey to improve themselves in this sense.
– The students in your schools are all different and unique, just like fingerprints. For this reason, prospective teachers should be sensitive to these differences, and accept and support them. Because no fish can be taught to fly, and no bird can be taught to swim.
4. Time Management:
– Prospective teachers should know how to use and manage time correctly and effectively in order to maintain their personal development and to keep up with their daily plans.
5. Professional Ethics:
– Prospective teachers should be aware of the professional standards and ethical rules of the profession to which they belong and should act in accordance with these rules.
– They should respect student privacy and provide a safe learning environment for their students.
6. Social Responsibility and Participation:
– Every prospective teacher should know that mass changes and transformations start with one person, so when they start to practice this profession, the person who can bring about the change and transformation necessary to bring our society and our country to the level of contemporary civilizations may be a student from their own class. For this reason, they should be aware of the need to work for each student and to create the appropriate growing conditions in their classrooms so that the seeds can blossom and turn into saplings and then from sapling to tree.
Now let’s continue with our 1 book / 1 film review, which we have compiled and edited for our prospective teachers.